Liturgy: The Work of the People
“There are different gifts but the same Spirit; there are different ministries but the same Lord; there are different works but the same God who accomplishes all of them in everyone. To each person the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good.”– 1 Corinthians 12:4-7
In a general sense, any Christian exercising a ministry is a minister. Since every baptized person is part of the universal priesthood, every time they engage in their vocation to help those in need and evangelize the world, they are ministers. The Church also calls us to the responsible stewardship of our time and talent in support of the Church. Many times this takes the form of volunteering for a specific lay ministry. Most lay ministries can be divided into either liturgical, catechetical, or deal with pastoral care and social justice.
Liturgical lay ministries include Altar Servers and Acolytes who assist the Presider, Extraordinary Ministers of Communion who serve in Mass or take Communion to the sick, Ministers of Hospitality or Ushers who direct the procession or seating of those assembled, and Lectors or Ministers of the Word who proclaim the scriptures during the Eucharist.
And With Your Spirit was founded in 2011 and provides resources for a rich atmosphere using music, art and rituals that will meet liturgical and cultural needs and enrich Catholic worship services. It is the mission of And With Your Spirit to feature new music, art, rituals and liturgical planning that will inspire and enable ministers to enrich the worship services in their own parishes.
You will find a wide variety of artists, authors, and composers to facilitate your liturgical needs. We love to hear from our customers. Please feel free to Email or Call us at (504) 858-1844 if you have any questions, requests or suggestions.